Ship Information

A victory class star destroyer, whose registry is unknown. There have been upgrades to the engines, weaponry and shields.
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Kaini Khatoin
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Joined: Mon Dec 30, 2019 9:40 pm

Ship Information

Post by Kaini Khatoin »

Ship Information

A victory class star destroyer, whose registry is unknown. There have been upgrades to the engines, weaponry and shields. The Star Destroyer in it's massive size, had all the amenities and spartan blandness one would expect from a naval vessel. This one however was different and one could not quite put their finger on why it was different, the crew was devoutly loyal to their officers, almost in a fanatical sense. There was a definite aura about the ship, one that united her crew in the cause for which she was christened. This ship was flanked by two escorts and one could not help but notice that security was incredibly tight, for the last few days in which a shuttle arrived, rumor had it that the shuttle held a VIP, who was going to give the crew their true purpose and perhaps even make a speech and shake their hands.

The crew had operated in the dark for years, in total secrecy, dodging the ongoing galactic conflict that threatened everyone. Yet they were here and someone was clearly in charge of them, someone over even the great Kaini, who was known to the crew as Lord, or if one was feeling exceptionally brave, simply as Sir.

This ship also held a lab in which guards surrounded every single entrance and exit, even though it was deep within this ship. It was in this room where the journey would officially begin.

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Ashlin Li
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Re: Ship Information

Post by Ashlin Li »

OOC - Crusader Reading Order:

(A significant part of this story arc was written on the old site, or through other formats throughout 2018 and 2019. The older posts have been reposted over and put back together. Nearly everything beyond scene 4 is posted for the first time.)

Scene 1: Finished.
The Laboratory
"I don't think we're on the Homeward anymore."

Scene 2: Finished
Guest Corridor
"We're ready now."

Scene 3: Finished
The Admiral's Dining Hall
"Dinner Party of Doom"

Scenes 4/5: Finished.
Guest Corridor
"Things They Needed to Know," followed by "Master Slicer"

Scene 6 (Runs concurrently with much of 7): Finished.
The Brig
"Must You Always?"

Scene 7: Finished
The Laboratory

Scene 8: In-Progress
The Throne Room
"We Could Ask Him."
Don't let your lights go down. Don't let your fire burn out. Because somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe.

Sometimes, it's still the smallest things that matter.

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