He stood there, the wind cutting through him like a hot knife through butter, his expression was hard, yet somehow thoughtful. His blue blade humming in his right hand down to his side, the burn mark on his left pant leg still fresh enough to be smoking. In this moment, he looked like what he was at his core. His hand trembled a bit and his hand found it's way to the ignition and his blade retracted in his hilt. He looked at the man on the ground, dressed in black, his lightsaber on the ground by his side. He took a deep breath and called the dark weapon to his hand and attached to his belt. The dark figure on the ground was breathing, he could sense it and he could still feel his life was grasping to his own body with a will power that he knew all to well.
His purple eyes hid behind them a pain that was unique to him and his situation. They looked down at the man, his brown hair matted with sweat, he was dying. Julian took a few steps forward and attached his own lightsaber to his belt against his own better judgement. He knelt down beside the man and turned him over and propped him up cradling his hand. The man's chest was still smoking and his yellow eyes stared back at Julian, filled with anger and hate. The Jedi Knight swallowed hard and placed a single hand on the dark sider's chest, he was not a healer, but he knew how to control pain, not only in himself but in others. He could take it for him, it was the least he could do to man whose life he ended, his last few moments need not be filled with pain and suffering, now was a time for peace.
"I am so sorry that it came to this."
The Dark Sider tried to talk but the wound to his chest kept him from speaking, despite Julian's efforts. The Half Zeltron winced as he felt the burning in his own chest, lightsaber wounds seemed to bite at both ends. Not only was one's flesh cut open, but it was burned horribly as well and that was a sensation that he did not wish on anyone, in fact he was more than sorry that his blade had to be guided into this man here tonight.
"Don't talk, just rest. I'm sorry that he led you down this path, I can sense the light in you."
His free hand grabbed the dark sider's hand and he squeezed it.
"I can feel good in you, I can sense a flicker of light. Grab onto it as if you are my hand and embrace it and you will forever know peace. You don't want to carry his baggage with you any longer, pour your darkness into me and I will give you my light."
Slowly he saw the yellow stain leave the man's eyes and he felt the burning sensation of dark sided energy that he took in like a lightning rod and quickly tried to disperse the dark energy from his aura but not before tasting the wicked poison. The dark taste was not something he cared to endure, but he did what he must for this man's soul was more important than a momentary discomfort. He felt the man's essence start to change, his end was near and Julian could feel it.
"Good, you're doing good...."
The man grabbed Julian by the back of his head and pulled him close and whispered in his ear before going limp in The Jedi Knight's arms. Julian nodded in acknowledgement and wiped the tears from his face quietly. He gently set the man down and ran his hand over his features smoothing them and closing his eyes.
"I'm sorry your journey had to end here, please rest well."
Jedi Business
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- Julian Orspach
- Posts: 92
- Joined: Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:03 am
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