The Infirmary

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Luka Balmore
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The Infirmary

Post by Luka Balmore »

He sat at a desk with a lab coat draped over his shoulders covering part of his normal Jedi garb. He was tired, but not entirely exhausted. He had spent the previous night working in a hospital in the low income part of town, the type of place where the joys sometimes outweigh the horrors only because you might have had an impact on a life that may not have seen another day just by being there for them.

He smiled and sipped his tea while going over forms and paperwork for the patients here in the Jedi infirmary as well as the service facility just outside of the temple. Most would find this type of work to be tedious and mind numbing, but not him. In fact, he was listening to some relaxing music and doing something that made him happy and give him a sense of fulfillment. The force was truly awe inspiring to bless him with force sensitivity and the capacity to heal and help others, how could he not be grateful for it even on the most trying of days? He smiled and read a report of a young teen who received a blaster wound to the chest and was being treated in the Jedi service facility. Apparently the teen had gotten into a scuffle with rival members of a street gang, the half-Sephi paused for a moment and thought back to the place where he would have grown up if he was not at the temple. He could have been one of them, had he not been taken here, that thought was troubling, but it did not bother him at all per say. It just was a reminder to him about how the force and occasionally luck work in certain ways to steer you clear from a path that could lead to your destruction. Thankfully, it was not something he ever had to worry about, because the right people were involved and there was never a question as to where he would end up.

The boy had come in with a sucking chest wound, which was a bit odd for a blaster, not so much a knife or slug thrower, but a for a blaster, it was quite odd. He surmised that the power setting must have been set low or that even more likely it was an old blaster that had not been taken care of properly and could not deliver the same type of punch that it could have out of the box. Either way, the kid was alive and lucky to be alive, one of the slightly younger healers had worked on him and from the report it looked as if he had done an impressive job, Luka would have to recognize him for his work later. Sucking chest wounds were tricky, even for a Jedi, and survival was in doubt unless treatment was received nearly immediately.

He set the reports down, with a smile on his face. He was technically off duty today, but he didn't mind being here and he did want to take care of the paperwork before he enjoyed a bit of time to himself, well...not entirely to himself. He had Zhi who went with him last night, he was probably asleep by now, all for the better, no need to work him to death. He snickered about their conversation that they had over a year ago in which Zhi confidently stated that he was going to be a healer. He was right of course, but Luka was the one still awake, but to be fair, Zhi might be up to and Luka didn't even know about it. He thought about taking the report of the blaster wound to Zhi's room and leaving it for him to go over, then he'd quiz him later, but it could wait until tomorrow.

There was a knock at the door. Who could that be? He wondered to himself as no one really would have known he was here except for the fact that the light was on. The healer smiled, a visitor was always something that brought joy to his face, he turned and poured a second cup of tea should his guest decide he or she wanted some and in the same breath he uttered the words.

"Come in, it's open."

The door squeaked a bit as it opened, Luka liked the charm of it, he could have gotten it fixed or oiled it, but it somehow felt like it added a sense of distinguished academic, to his office. He turned to see the person who had just entered the doorway and his smile faded a bit and he took in a breath, without trying to be rude.

"Svo'k. What can I do for you?"

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Svo'k Lynd
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Re: The Infirmary

Post by Svo'k Lynd »

"Come in, it's open."

*Such simple words spoken on the other side of the door, such words that had meaning to them that was far beyond comprehension. He took a deep breath, placed his gloved hand on the knob and opened the door, noting the squeak. He could fix that he thought but he knew that Luka would have done it already if he wanted to. Such small things like that held a certain fascination for the half-Selphi and Svo'k was not going to argue it or mention it. He stepped into the room and noticed the change in Luka's expression when he turned to see him.*

"Svo'k. What can I do for you?"

*Simple, yet lacking the warmth that was always present in his voice. It stung still, but at least he was cordial. Svo'k understood him perfectly well and why he felt the way he assumed he did. The Jedi Knight smiled politely at the younger Knight and Healer. He noted the lab coat and the office as his eyes fell on the various articles in the room and he felt a sense of pride for his son, not that he had done anything to promote his success in his life so far, but it did bring a sense of warmth from the depths of his heart the surface and it showed in his facial expression. He was happy that Luka was well, he was happy that he was happy, even if Svo'k could not share that happiness with him. It would have been nice to enjoy it with him and share in it's joys, it would have been nice to hold his hand as he took his first steps and it would have been nice to walk him through the doors of adulthood and to be the rock on which he could build his life, but that ship had sailed long ago. A long long time ago, he had lost that opportunity and Luka was better for it and he would always be better for it. There was some solace in that fact, yet there was also some sadness, but now wasn't the time to dwell on the latter, he was here for a different reason, a reason that he was not sure Luka would respond well to, but he had to do it.*

"Luka, you look so well, good morning. I was wondering if I could speak to you for a few minutes, about your mother?"

*And there it was, nothing else he said mattered but those last three words certainly did. Once they escaped his mouth, he knew they would hang in the air like powerful storm, how much havoc they would wreak all depended upon on whether they hit head on or were just allowed to blow over. Anything else he surmised would blow over, but these words, this storm, he imagined was going to hit and it may very well hit hard. Emotionally he braced himself for the destruction that he assumed he was about to endure.*

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