
A place for stand-alone RP threads, or stories that may not fit into the main galaxy threads.
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Julian Orspach
Posts: 92
Joined: Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:03 am


Post by Julian Orspach »

T'ahai wasn't back yet as he entered their joint room in the Padawan quarters. Was he even a Padawan anymore? He shook his head to catch the glimpse of the purple braid that danced in his peripheral for a moment. Yep, still a Padawan. He sighed a long sigh of exhaustion and relief, he loved his roommate like a brother, but he was glad to have some time to himself, it was rare. The nineteen year old scratched his head contemplating the significance of the moment, generally the two arrived at home at just about the same time, so there was a sense of worry that manifested itself in a chill that shot down his spine. His purple fists clenched and adrenaline dumped into his blood stream as the instinctive fight instinct kicked in. He immediately checked the commlink on his wrist and started scanning through reports, could there have been an attack?

Calm. Center yourself. Peace.

He grabbed the back of his neck and massaged the tense feeling away, if there was an attack he would be one of the first people to know about it as he was instrumental in organizing temple defenses. He would know, the comm would have gone off a million times by now and whats more, he would have sensed it before the comm ever went off in the first place. Even if T'ahi went missing there were protocols, T'ahai had last checked in 45 minutes ago and Temple Leaders were notified if a Jedi missed a check in time, the younglings were more closely monitored than the Padawans or Knights but for general safety, all were required to check in at different intervals. T'ahai and Julian themselves while Padawans abided by Knight rules in this regard as they were both stretched very thin and an extra task for two Padawans who were nearing Knighthood was just not something that was necessary.

He let out a sigh of relief and found his chair by his desk and plopped down into it, he needed to relax, the adrenaline was going to wear off in a few minutes and he was going to be drained, he had already been functioning off of not much sleep for the majority of the last few years and he really did not need anything else to make him feel even more exhausted. It was a chore in and of itself concealing this from the younger Students who looked to him and T'ahai as leaders, he had to maintain a certain temperament around them, he had to be strong and keep their spirits up no matter how hard things got.

He pulled his datapad out and tossed it on the desk and started going through reports.

"No. You need rest, the reports will be there in the morning"

His Master had often told him that he needed to on occasion take time out for himself and making his own well being a priority. Instead he entered a personal app on his datapad. After entering his personal password, he was greeted with the home screen, a picture of the three amigos so to speak. It was Jakhai, Nomi and of course himself together in a group hug posing for the camera. Oh how young they all were then, he smiled at the thought of it, they each had several different copies of the picture, this was the one where Qareth was taking the picture. They had all taken turns with the camera so that they could each have a picture of everyone and no one was left out. He liked this one the best though, because Nomi and him were right next to each other in the others one of them was either missing or they were at opposite ends, but in this one they were together. Their mischievous grins, you just knew that they were either up to something or had been recently, likely some overly aggressive dueling that had led to or would lead to injuries. His smiles widened and his pupils dilated ever so slightly as he remembered the moment, this picture taken mere days before the last time he saw either of them. He hoped they were okay, he was sure they weren't dead, he was confident he would have felt the ripple in the force and Qareth, he knew where she was she was fine and...she had expressed interest in maybe spending more time with Julian. He knew what that meant.

He was conflicted, it's not that he did not like her, but his heart only had space for Nomi as weird as that sounded he had fallen for her long ago and if he gave up on that idea, it was like he was admitting she was dead and he was not ready to do that, because if she was dead, so many more Jedi were dead too and that was not a thought he could entertain at the moment, not until it was presented to him as an actual fact, then and only then would he deal with it, but this was his one thing, the one thing that he clung to for the sake fo his own morale. Qareth wasn't hurt, she was a Jedi and she understood more than anything the need to keep an attitude that everyone or at least most everyone was alive and safe somewhere. If it came to be that they'd never see them again, then maybe, but not now.

He scrolled through the pictures further, seeing pictures of him and his father, his father and mother together and then the three of them together. There was a picture of Jarik and Arty in there as well and Julian sort of rolled his eyes as he stared at the other Padawan. That arrogant grin, he didn't dislike Jarik, but he wasn't overly fond of his attitude or his inflated opinion of himself, but he did wonder how he was faring during these times and wished him well. He was getting really tired, and he slumped forward in his chair, eyes getting heavy he drifted off.

An hour had passed, maybe a bit more when his comm started beeping and vibrating wildly. His eyes shot open as visions of pain and suffering flashed before his subconscious mind. Again, an adrenaline dump, he shot up a blanket that had been draped over his shoulders flew off. It was then noticed that T'ahai was fast asleep in his bed, but he did not take the time to think about why his comm wasn't going off because it clearly wasn't. Given his lack of hearing, T'ahai's comm not only vibrated but sent small electrical impulses into his nervous system.

Julian took a moment to look at the message and thought about waking him, but he needed sleep too, he had been working just as hard as Julian and he was just as exhausted. He could take care of it on his own and if not he could buzz T'ahai just as easily. With that he nodded and ran out of his room and towards the entrance of the temple.

After moving swiftly through the temple and towards the main entrance he spied at the outer checkpoint a young child speaking frantically with the clone guards. He took off an jogged over to meet them and he looked at the clones who gave him a quick debrief of the situation. The child's father had been trapped in what sounded like an abandoned building down the way. He thought for a split second, he could take care of this maybe with a medic. No need to get another Jedi.

"Grab a med kit and come with me."

He looked at the ranking clone and then knelt down to eye level with the child and put a hand on his shoulder and sent soothing waves of peace at the child in the most gentle manner he could.

"I'm Julian, I'm a Jedi and I'm going to help your father, can you be strong and take me to him?"

The child nodded through tears began to lead the way.

"Lieutenant, inform the necessary parties of my departure and wake a healer and have them ready to receive us if necessary. I'll check in when we get there"

The child grabbed Julian's hand and pulled him, moving as fast as his small legs could carry him, Julian kept up with ease and not far from the temple, maybe a quarter mile was an old decrepit building. What were they doing in here in the first place? The thought crossed his mind and he looked at the entrance, purple eyes narrowed and darted back and forth as he slowed despite the child's tugging arm. Something did not feel right, the child protested "MISTER JEDI PLEASE!" He didn't ignore his instincts as he slowly entered the building. It was dark, but he found his center, the clone was not far behind. He took his free hand and tapped his commlink sending an automatic checkin message out indicating his position. The comm beeped in protest but then acted as if the message had been sent. He looked down at the child again.

"Where is he?"

The child looked up, fear filling the place of sadness in his eyes as a single blaster shot rang out and the clone dropped to the ground dead. Julian's lightsaber immediately ignited, it's blue blade illuminating his face and that of the fearful child. The child was pulled off his feet and flew across the room. Julian reacted and stood there, but he was surrounded, he could feel it.

::Drop your weapon Jedi or we kill the kid.::


He extinguished his lightsaber, knowing he could ignite it in a split second anyway.

"Let him go, you obviously want me and here I am. He has nothing to do with this."

::We said DROP IT.::

He clipped his lightsaber to his belt and smirked at them, mentally with a small movement the distress signal was activated on his commlink, in minutes the other Jedi would be here as well as a squad of clones, that's how things worked.

"You wanted me here, I'm out numbered and me and my one lightsaber scare you and your men?"

He tensed and continued to try to stall, but something happened, something he could not sense coming, there was a sound, just like something moved, just the most subtle noise that could have been anything. Then there was a stinging, he tensed, raised his hand to his neck, and felt a dart sticking out of it. He called on the forced with all of his might to give him strength to counteract whatever it was that was now coursing through his bloodstream. His legs began to wobble, he, gritted his teeth as his vision started to blur but the force was his ally. His lightsaber flew into his hand and ignited and he let out a force push directly at the man holding the child. He flew back and the child ran, Julian half smiled as he began to blink wildly and took the best Soresu stance he could.

He swayed, and felt the grip on his lightsaber loosen, the weapon extinguished itself and fell to the floor, his purple eyes closed, he fell to his knees, and then forward face down on the floor unconscious.
"I'm just a Jedi."

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