I Can't Seem to Find Myself Again

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Julian Orspach
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I Can't Seem to Find Myself Again

Post by Julian Orspach »

The ship skidded across the plains smashing into a glacier the two of them flew forward in their seats the harnesses digging into their shoulders and preventing them from becoming one with the control panel. Julian spit blood out on the floor of the of cockpit and shook his head gaining his composure amidst the smell of ozone and smoke filling the air. He looked over at her, she was fine, no worse off than he was.

"Next time Nomi, I do the flying."

Julian smirked, threw his harness off and stood up. He would offer to help her up but he knew she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself and being overly chivalrous would likely gain him a quick shot to the stomach or worse, especially after the wisecrack he made about her piloting skills. The truth being the crash was not her fault and Julian couldn't have done any better had he been flying. Something had happened and it wasn't mechanical, and as he stood there and chill shot down his spine he was starting to think that it wasn't natural either

"Something is wrong here."

He glanced at her her and that's when it hit him, maybe a second late, maybe he could have felt it sooner. Maybe she felt it? Surely she did now, his purple eyes widened as a red blade shot through the rear of the ship with a hiss as it cut through the the hull quickly, he grabbed his lightsaber, the blue blade flew from the hilt and he watched Nomi spring into action as well, he moved to the left and allowed her to take her place on his right. He took a few deep breaths in and calmed myself. He took a ready stance as the molten metal dripped onto the floor near the cargo hatch. Why didn't they just open the hatch? He thought to himself before taking any further action. The lights flickered in the ship and then failed just as cut was complete. Julian's grip on his lightsaber tightened as his knuckles cracked.

The piece of the ships hull was ripped away and flew off into the distance smashing against the snow and ice and a dark figure holding a humming red blade stood there menacingly. His eyes glowed red and anger seemed to pulsate off of him...

KAINI KHATOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julian let out a breath and cocked his head to the side. It didn't take but a moment to find his Jedi footing and a bit of his youthful confidence and borderline arrogance that was left behind at the temple that terrible night.

"Uhhh wrong ship. Julian Orspach actually. Something I can help you with friend? Oh and this is...well I'll let you introduce yourself to the Sith if you'd like."

Julian glanced at Nomi and then returned his focus back to the Sith.
"I'm just a Jedi."

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Nomi Jonan
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Re: I Can't Seem to Find Myself Again

Post by Nomi Jonan »

“I’m not looking for new friends. Thanks though.”

Nomi matched Julian’s casual tone and stance without bothering to turn her head from the gaping hole in the ship with the snowing darkness beyond, the figure, or the red weapon in hand that thrummed Force-flicker promises into the air.

The hilt in her grasp flicked aglow with a bladeless glimmer of violet lit from inside the emitter, not dissimilar from the heat or tone of the lightsaber reflections in Julian’s eyes. The black weapon on her other hip was untouched. That one was jealous maybe, but she wasn't bothered about its feelings.

She wasn’t bad from the crash. The ulnar nerve in her dominant arm was still screaming internally from where she’d just slammed it into the pilot’s control panel and sent shock-sensation up and down her limb, but it’d be temporary. There wasn’t anything damaged enough it couldn’t be overridden with sheer force of habit; which she happened to have a great deal of. The tall, tanned, dark-haired woman rolled her shoulders and smiled unamusedly at the Force user who’d ripped part of their hull apart.

“What did you need?”
It's a new world. It's a new start. It's alive with the beating of young hearts.
It's a new day. It's a new plan.
It's waiting for me—

— Here I am!

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