Things happened. His breathing was sharp and then for a moment as his armor was being removed by the guard, and his breathing stopped. One............................TWO........................................................................................................................THREE...........Another breath and soon after his breathing returned to normal, he was not aware of anything going on around him the lab, his eyes half open he did not feel Erril or Ashlin near him, nor the presence of his father. The light from the room reflected in his half opened purple eyes. If it was not for his breathing the casual onlooker would swear that he was dead just by outward appearance alone.
In his mind however, he was still back in the room nothing was still there, nothing was peaceful like the sweet embrace of death offered. Instead there was pain, pain in every single nerve ending his body, fire burned through his veins as he gritted his teeth, still strapped to that infernal table, he felt a weight lifted from his chest and forced his eyes to look down to see his cloak and tunic removed, just his black undershirt again. Would the humiliation not end?!
He took in a sharp painful breath and tasted blood as the needle found it's way into his lower leg. The electricity surged threw him again from the needle the muscles in his leg contracted to the point where he felt they were going to snap. His breaths became quicker, sharper and more pronounced as he felt another needle in his arm and then a surge of adrenaline at the moment he felt he might get some relief from passing out. He had new energy and the shocks continued, each sending new waves of pain throughout his body, but each was different, so that he could not get used to the sensation, a different type of shock to keep his nervous system on it's toes and not allow his mind to adapt to the pain.
He tried to move, tried to free himself, but with each movement the pain increased. This was longer than the last time, worse than the last time, there was a brief pause, he tried to catch his breath, realizing the blood he had tasted was from bitting nearly through his own tongue. He spit in what he thought was the direction of his tormenters.
His eyes shot up and he sprang up in his bed his jaw clenched, his chest burning in a pain that was no longer there but was only an all to real memory that decided to show back up again. Sweat poured off of him as he swung his legs over the side of the bed he unclenched his hands and looked down at the tips of his finger, blood slowly coagulating and drying on his nails, he turned both of his hands over and examined his palms, bits of torn flesh peeled off as blood oozed from where his fingernails had dug into his palms. He shook his head an clenched his fist, but as he did so the lamp on his bedside table seemed to implode, as it was inadvertently crushed.
How did that happen? The burning sensation in his chest intensified. He sprang up and walked across the room to his dresser and motioned with his hand and the main light in the room came on. He glanced at the mirror and realized what was wrong, his normally purple eyes were glowing red, the burning sensation in his chest was the dark side which had found it's way back in his dream. His chest was now pounding and he was breathing as if he had just run across the galaxy in an impossible journey. No one could see him like this, but he needed to go get a healer to deal with his hands.
"I thought I was through this!"
He groaned as he looked back at the evil red eyes that mocked him from the mirror. He had to stop he had to think, but he felt like a caged animal ready to strike. No one could come in that door, he had to make sure of it, because in this moment he was terrified what he might do if the wrong person had dared to intrude on him in this moment. It was just his appearance, it wasn't that it would be embarrassing, that was only a small portion of it. What if he snapped at them? What if he hurt or killed them? What if it was Nomi? His stomach sunk at the thought of it. He had demonstrated he could beat her, not once but twice, and it was clean.
He had to pull himself together, he had to purge the anger and hatred that the dream seemed to have dragged from the depths of hell just to torment his conscience. He had to breathe, he had to focus on that. He closed his eyes and took several breaths in, before he walked towards the kitchenette and poured through the cabinets. He found a pot and quickly filled it with water and placed it on the stove on high, next he found a mug and set it down next to the stove. Drawers? Yeah that's where it would be. Quickly, he poured through the drawers leaving bloody palmprints on them, he'd have to deal with that later. Then in the very last drawer, there it was. You could always trust a Sephi to have tea, he found a bag of chamomile and as he turned around the water was boiling already. Julian quickly put the tea bag in the mug and poured the water over it. He couldn't believe he was actually doing this, no one had for sure better walk in on him now, he'd rather they walk in him behaving like a stereotypical partying Zeltron than see him making tea.
The Jedi Knight left the tea to steep for a few minutes and then he sat down on the floor and crossed his legs and closed his eyes. With each breath in he calmed himself, trying to imagine a simple white light in front of him. It took many moments but finally it appeared before him in a soft white glow, at first it was dim and a bit pathetic, but it was still there. The more he controlled his breathing and focused his thoughts on the light, the more it grew until it nearly enveloped the entire room in it's soft white glow, the burning sensation in his chest slowly drifted away and his heart rate slowed. The sweat that had been pouring off him, soon stopped, but it was quite clear that he needed a shower. Slowly he opened his eyes, he didn't need the mirror, he could feel that the darkness had left him and he knew they were back to their natural purple. He slowly got up, drained of his physical energy, he felt his legs wobble a bit, bracing himself on the counter. He leaned over and took the tea bag and tossed it in the garbage receptacle. He then turned back to the counter and picked up his mug and sipped the soothing beverage. He groaned at the taste, but there was no denying what physical effects of the beverage. It was calming by nature and he had exerted all of his physical energy in purging himself of the dark side, so an external method to calm his nerves was an assistance he did sadly require in this moment.
He did not want to think too long on it in this moment, but the thought did creep into his mind in an intrusive manner. What if this was going to be a normal occurrence. He shuddered at the thought of it and sipped the tea. He couldn't think of that now, he needed to get some rest. He needed to get his hands fixed...he glanced around the room and looked at all of the surfaces that were now caked in his dried blood. He sighed. Apparently he needed to clean too.
Julian set his mug down and walked over to his bed and pulled the first aid kit from beside the night stand. He placed it on the bed and pulled out the antiseptic wipes and cleaned his minor wounds and dressed them in gauze, held in place by medical tape. It was an extremely remedial dressing, but they were extremely minor wounds and it could most certainly wait until morning at this point.
He walked over to the counter and grabbed his mug again and then returned to his bed. He brushed the first aid kit on the floor along with all of the wrappings from the bandages. He'd deal with it in the morning. He took a long sip of his tea and felt himself sit down in the bed. He took a deep breath in, he then brought his legs back up and rested his back against the headboard as he sipped the last of his tea.
Dare he go to sleep? A small amount of fear crept into his mind wondering if it would happen again.
"No. It won't happen. I WILL NOT let it happen again."
He said with resolve as he adjusted his position in bed and pulled the blankets up over him. His eyelids became heavy and soon they covered his purple eyes and he drifted off to sleep...[color]
A place for stand-alone RP threads, or stories that may not fit into the main galaxy threads.
- Julian Orspach
- Posts: 92
- Joined: Sun Feb 02, 2020 11:03 am
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