No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

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Luka Balmore
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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Luka Balmore »

They had been walking for mere minutes, but the situation was still a bit awkward. Luka knew that Devin was some sort of force sensitive, the question remained just how trained he was. That part had been bouncing around in his head for the majority of their journey to the guard post just outside the temple gates. They were going to the service facility first, that was a given, the two young men had been chatting and of course Devin had brought up girls again. Luka wasn't uninterested, he was a fully adolescent male but he just never spent a lot of time thinking about girls or anything romantic. He had other things to do and he was still a bit young, he could date sure but if he did that required commitment and at his age the commitment should be to his training and not much else.

He stopped at the gate and was quickly recognized but followed procedure.

"Luka Balmore, Padawan."

The guards nodded and scanned him up and down as Luka handed over his credentials.

::Who is this?::

The heavily armed clone said to the Padawan.

"This is Devin Astoria, he's a patient and new friend of mine, we're going to the service facility for a drink. I might take him to meet my Master if he wants and if that is okay."

::ID please Mr. Astoria. Are you carrying any weapons, or dangerous devices of any kind? Lighters? Knives?::

The clone scanned Devin vigorously, and motioned for him to walk through a security scanner. He noticed the young man was of course all in black, with a black leather cut covering clearly performance wear. He looked at the teen's boots and felt a bit suspicious.

::Dressed for combat Mr. Astoria?::

Luka looked down at Devin's boots, another piece of the puzzle that he had not noticed before, his sharp blue eyes caught a bit of dried mud on the outsoles of Devin's boots.

"He's had a rough time Corporal. He'll never be more than a couple meters from me."

::He's unarmed, but we'll escort you to the service facility.::

Luka sighed but understood the temple's security protocols and why they existed, he could overrule them if he wanted but he was too close to the situation. The guard noticed the boots that he did not and the mud definitely didn't come from anywhere around here, Luka's suspicion was raised a bit and he felt a bit out of his element for the first time all day. He couldn't believe he missed that detail, he had spent so much time looking at the outfit, the tattoos, and the wound that he had just missed the boots all together. He smiled warmly patted the older teen's shoulder.

"It'll be fine Devin don't worry about it, just a formality. Lets go man."

The two teens walked across with the armed clone in tow and after what seemed like an endless journey they finally found themselves in the lounge of the service facility, two couches sat across from each other with a coffee table in the middle with two smaller chairs at the ends of the table. He motioned for Devin to sit down and he was about to make is way to the supply cabinet for which he had an access card before he turned.

"I said wine, but the service facility looks to be as far as we're getting, those clones are suspicious of everyone sometimes. My Master had to come down and assure them I was me when I lost my credentials one time. I mean they have retina scanners, but that's not good enough apparently without the credentials. So what's your poison? I think there is Jawa juice in here and a couple of other potent beverages, but as your doctor I don't recommend much more than one with your antibiotics. Hungry?"

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Adrian Lynd
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Re: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Adrian Lynd »

Adrian had enjoyed the walk and the chats about various specimens of the female persuasion it seemed like Luka was enjoying himself too, but Adrian started to question just how interested in girls the younger Ji'dai was. That would make sense, total sense given that he was a Ji'dai. That wasn't entirely fair though, he knew Sith that were definitely that way and they were no less dangerous than he was, so with a bit of renewed maturity he let the thought drift from his mind.

The Temple could be seen for miles and when they were there he felt a knot tighten his stomach. Was this in character? Would Devin feel this way?! Yes yes he would, he was a gang member and these guys were the cops on steroids of course he would. He stepped into the body scanner after handing the guard his ID who seemed satisfied with it. There were no beeps, there was no indication that he was armed, but this clone was looking at him as if he had just murdered someone, which in fact he had killed a Ji'dai but that was beside the point. He made himself look a bit nervous as the clone scanned him and then asked him a direct question.

"No...sir....but you are. These are just my clothes. I like black."

Adrian looked at Luka for a moment who had then placed his hand on his shoulder and re-assured him of it being a formality. Kriff he wished he had his lightsabers or at least a knife. Maybe this was a dumb kriffing idea in the first place. He needed to be calm and find his cool or he was going to give himself away, but a youthful teen gang member would be damn near soiling themselves in the presence of Jedi and their fully armed clones, so he needed to find a balance. As they walked into the service facility and the kriffing clone dismissed himself, Adrian let out a sigh of relief.

"No kriffing osik man, I thought he was going to kriffing shoot me dead."

He chuckled nervously and sat down on the couch and stretched his legs out for a bit.

"Water is good for now, something stronger in a bit."

He watched Luka pour the water, and made himself comfortable on the couch. He couldn't believe he was here. Luka made his way over and sat in the chair closest to Adrian.

"It's kind of cool here Luka, so is this where you live and work?"

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Kaytren Li
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Re: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Kaytren Li »

- Not Far Away. -

Kaytren perched neatly against the edge of the desk in the Temple’s security office, watching with warmth and comfortable amusement while the typical owner of the desk crouched agilely on the floor and carefully held out a clawed hand to her youngest son, encouraging the still-unsteady infant to push himself upright before he crawled further out into the open floorspace.

“Come, tiny brother. Four limbs are only the first part. You are ready for two. You know what to do.”

The tiny boy child creased his forehead and regarded the brown and gold Sentinel in grave concentration, entirely unconcerned by anything about Harper’s catlike traits, the soft cloth mask on his upper face, or the lilting tones of his accent.

As for Kaytren, the Master Healer didn’t seem to have changed much in the year of leave she’d spent away from the main Order. She had, of course, but that was to be expected even in a far easier pregnancy; and it had been many months now since she’d physically recovered well enough. To anyone who hadn’t seen her in some time, she was the same enough… She did seem to have taken to wearing a little more color. Her tunic was light blue today, with cream pants and her boots.

A datapad on Harper’s desk chirped in a routine sort of tone. Kaytren glanced toward the Felacatian man, and he motioned for her to feel free while continuing to encourage her youngest son into walking. She wasn’t officially ‘returned’, but there had been nothing emergent about that alert code. Even if there had been, they both understood perfectly well that Kaytren outranked him in this Temple. She hadn’t gotten around to admitting it again yet, but Harper privately expected that it would be much longer. She seemed rested and ready enough.

“Good, Zhi!” Harper grinned at her standing son and gently backed up about two feet, much to the child’s annoyance.

Kaytren grinned at them both and picked up the datapad… soon finding her curiosity piqued again as she quirked an eyebrow at the not-particularly informative note on the screen. Hm. That was unexpected, actually.

“Luka Balmore has a teenage guest with him at the service facility,” she musingly informed Harper. “A human boy he treated at the hospital.”

“Correct,” Harper answered after a brief discussion with temple personnel via his earpiece, his golden eyes still encouragingly fixed on her youngest child. “The youth may be Sensitive. There is question of gang activity or similar. Balmore is aware they need a Jedi, and has asked for a knight or master… The youth is no longer injured.. but there was some question of scar patterns. Syler is on call, but currently in a separate meeting. She will go meet with them shortly.”

“I can take care of it,” Kaytren decided.

The Sentinel’s tail shifted ever so slightly. He took another gently challenging step away from her slowly approaching youngest child, and glanced over at her. “Are you sure? We are managing fine, sister. You have no need to rush.”

The Healer stretched her shoulders and slid off from the desk edge, her quiet firelight relaxed and steady in her eyes. “I haven’t rushed. I am beyond grateful for the grace and the time… It was important. But it’s been long enough, and I am fine. I would love to take care of it. Do you have time to see Zhi back to Tenar?”

Harper inclined his head and called his datapad back to hand, the man’s feline teeth baring in a warm hint of a grin. “There is always time for our family. Welcome back, Master. I will make Syler and the service facility aware of the changed solution.”

Kaytren smiled. She swept her smallest child up for a kiss and then deposited him back into Harper’s capable hands. After settling her satchel neatly onto her shoulder, she made her way into the corridors and took the simplest route away from the security center of main Temple to the outer service facility. It was a handful of minutes regardless, but not all that far.
I will not be made useless. I won't be idle with despair. I will gather myself around my faith, for it's Light the Darkness most fears.

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Kaytren Li
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Re: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Kaytren Li »

“Master Li; we missed you.” Nash, the trooper lieutenant on duty, had removed his helmet to greet the woman with a salute and a warm smile when she arrived at the appropriate staff entrance to the service facility.

“Thank you, Nash. Will you tell me about your favorite new visitor of the day?”

The soldier led the way as the two settled comfortably back to the topic at hand, Kaytren listening with interest to the seasoned trooper’s summary of Luka’s message and his firsthand impressions of their guest during check-in; the specific quality of the boy’s footgear, his demeanor. Their visitor could certainly have just been some gang member… Sensitive, probably… Even if he was, it felt routine enough, honestly. But, still. They were right to question it.

By the time they arrived at a meeting lounge a few moments later, Kaytren felt as comfortably apprised as anyone about the current series of events. The chestnut-haired Master Healer habitually tucked a stray few strands of hair behind her right ear, and shrugged her medical bag neatly on one shoulder.

Nash remained just outside of the lounge. The sofa seating happened to be arranged diplomatically and strategically enough, such that Luka was more easily facing the door as they entered, while their adolescent guest was seated generally facing Luka, who seemed to have just provided him with a glass of water. Kaytren found herself glancing from the back of their guest’s head to meet Luka’s eyes first. She offered a calm, but warm dip of her head as Luka stood up and greeted her. There was a mildly curious smile on her face about whatever interaction the capable padawan physician had found himself invested in today.

“Hello, Luka. I have heard it was an interesting day. And, hello…”

It had taken a moment, but only one moment, for her memory to process and correctly place the second young adult Sensitive who looked her direction. Adrian Lynd had gotten older. Time would do that, but… Kaytren found herself looking in private fascination at the two as her mind clicked the pair's relationships and commonalities into place, and she exhaled quietly. She met Adrian’s stare for a moment, measuring the blue in his eyes, and gradually looked him over. Seated near Luka as he was, she could tell easily that Adrian had outgrown her now. There was nothing surprising about that... he took after their father, and Svo'k had been taller than Kaytren by the same age. It was very different with Adrian, though.

The Healer shifted her gaze to include Luka, but not to the point where she looked much away from the older teen. It had been a long time. Alright, then... this is all very funny, my Ashla. But that's fine.

“This is unexpected and interesting.”
she said after a moment, with her expression lingering on Luka.

“I would like very much to listen to you both. But first, I am going to make.. the three of us some coffee. We should wait to say or do anything else until then.”
I will not be made useless. I won't be idle with despair. I will gather myself around my faith, for it's Light the Darkness most fears.

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Adrian Lynd
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Re: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Adrian Lynd »

Footsteps, fell quietly on the floor, but he did not turn to look to see who it was, he merely watched the expression of the young man before him light up a bit more than it already was. Was that possible? Luka had seen someone he cared for this was good information to have as he was about to turn he heard a voice.

"Hello, Luka..."

Those were the only words he needed, the tone of her voice was unmistakable an he recognized it instantly and his blood began to run cold. A slight grin threatened to show itself on his face by tugging at his lips but instead the smile totally faded and his entire demeanor seemed to change in an instant. She had spoken more and he lifted his head up to look into her eyes as she addressed him by saying hello. She recognized him, it was clear and he did not care in the least bit, his blank expression followed her movements.

"This is unexpected and interesting"

Among understatements, the one she had just made was truly the grandfather of them all.

Was she afraid of him? He wasn't sure, he tilted his head up slightly and closed his eyes for a moment, much longer than a blink, predators in the wild only closed their eyes around something that they did not fear or consider to be a threat at all and this is exactly what Adrian did. After a moment his blue eye opened and he nodded slightly at the situation.

Coffee again? Whatever. His eyes followed her as she walked over to the counter and began to prepare the coffee. He turned his gaze slightly for a moment. Had he really been out maneuvered by him? He cocked his head slightly to the side and placed both hands on his knees. No, this was pure chance. The universe could be incredibly random at times a fact that he had come to understand all too well in the last couple of days.

He almost chuckled, but stifled it.

"No Jawa juice man?"

He said to Luka and then looked back to Kaytren. The two of them combined were almost clueless about his current state or affiliations, Kaytren could guess more accurately than Luka but even she had no real clue what he had been up to all these years. In fact despite a good educated guess, she had no way of knowing if he was still a Sith or notm nor how strong he had become, but now was not the time for an arrogant display of power. He was unarmed and deep in Jedi territory, so subtlety was the best course of action and subtlety was of course the the way of the Sith.

As for Luka, Adrian couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for him, but there was no way he was going to drop the act right now, he'd leave it to Kaytren to flip the board over and stop the game. That would be a sign of his victory.

"Thank you Ma'am."

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Luka Balmore
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Re: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Luka Balmore »

"Well yeah mostly where I work though, I live in the Main Temple, this is just the service facility...I...."

In the next breath as he was about to speak the door opened and in walked Kaytren, Luka's face lit up a bit as she had been away for quite sometime and he really hadn't seen much if any of her since she had been back. He of course respected and loved his own Master in her own right, but Kaytren always had a special place in his heart.

"Master, so good to see you again, it has been quite an interesting day to say the least."

He said warmly and was about to continue on and formerly introduce them both but something happened. He saw Kaytren stop, his senses perked and he switched and he looked to Devin whose entire demeanor seemed to have shifted, he was staring at Kaytren and he closed his eyes for a moment. It did not take all of his mental capacity to realize that something was definitely going on that he wasn't sure he even remotely understood. His brow lowered slightly and he heard Kaytren speak.

"This is unexpected and interesting."

Well it was certainly interesting, but it couldn't possibly be unexpected since he had indeed sent a message that they had obviously received. He followed procedures that existed and made up ones that didn't exist that needed to exist to fit this scenario. He felt slightly ill at ease as Kaytren stated she was going to go make coffee a rather matter of factly. He watched her movements and saw it, that subtle look she gave him caused him to retreat back to his training for a moment. Two Jedi who knew each other well could communicate with nothing more than a stare or a simple hand gesture and Kaytren and Luka knew each other quite well. The half-Sephi Jedi Padawan breathed in for a second and then caught Devin's glance. He looked at the body language of the older teen, he was cold and confident even if the tone of his voice hadn't changed much, his physical reactions certainly did. Devin remarked about the Jawa Juice and Luka smiled a bit.

"No, I guess not, she's ranking healer and of course she's right. Coffee works better with your antibiotics anyway, Jawa juice was never a great idea but it wouldn't have killed you. Besides, I don't know about you but I could certainly go for a cup anyway."

He smiled at Devin but could scarcely believe the words that were coming out of his own mouth. Kaytren knew he hated coffee more than anything in the universe living or dead, so while he trusted there was good reason for her making him coffee and forcing him to drink it, it better be a pretty good one. He hoped to Ashla that she would load it up with cream and sugar so he could barely taste the bitter mud liquid that he so despised.

He had said enough to Devin for the moment, Kaytren made that clear, but he couldn't just ignore him either and go silent, so his response was well within his orders but he certainly wasn't going to go any further and start asking more questions. However there were already several questions brewing in his mind.

The body language from both of them was the most confusing thing to him, there was a familiarity about how the way they reacted to each other, then of course Devin closed his eyes and he seemed to have done that rather deliberately. His mind was working quickly, the gears had been spinning the entire afternoon, but he just couldn't make sense of it. He was too close to the situation to make sense of it he reasoned, he was looking too closely at everything and not taking a step back to see the big picture whatever that was. So he calmed his mind and stopped the growing pool of questions from getting any deeper less they threaten to drown him. Instead he leaned back against the chair a bit and crossed his arms in front of him and glanced at Kaytren and then Devin who both clearly knew something he did not, but his mind was at peace about it as he was sure he would soon find out what was truly going on here.

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Kaytren Li
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Re: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Kaytren Li »

"Thank you Ma'am."

Kaytren's eyes rested on the elder of the two young men for a moment longer before she turned away to the kitchenette counter. She brushed each of her tunic sleeves a handful of inches higher up her forearms, absently making and leaving visible the crooked bracelet band around her left wrist, and the faded disarray of old burns and metal blade cuts that were mostly thirteen years healed. There were older marks on her arms, too, and a few newer ones, but none of those small stories stood out enough to take much attention away from others. Kaytren washed and dried her hands with a Healer's care at the sink while she thought carefully about her words and listened to the two adolescents continue to chat behind her. She wasn't facing them, so there was no need to hide her twitch of a smile at the part-Sephi padawan's reasonably convincing defense of her serving choice. Neatly done, Luka.

The coffee was brewed to her standards by the time she'd finished drying her hands. Perfect swirls of scent and vapor curled gently into the air while she set out the cups and finished fixing the coffee. Each cup was the same; neatly prepared with a sliver of tang bark and a the slightest bit of cream to bind the flavors together. She didn't feel any need for lightening or sweetening these, any more than she felt about the rest of the discussion.

She carried the three mugs back to the seating area with practiced balance and maybe a the slightest touch of help from the Force. Kaytren gave Luka's to him first so that he could relieve her full hands of the awkward third cup; or so that he could enjoy it the longest she supposed. She gave Adrian his cup second, and then settled at the opposite corner of Adrian's chosen sofa so that she could easily see both of the young men at once. Kaytren sipped her coffee while she regarded the light and dark haired pair of them, reflecting on things they didn't know. There weren't many ways to really predict Adrian, but she knew them both as well as she needed to. She trusted the younger one in particular.

“Alright, dearhearts,” she told them after a moment. ​“I expect this has been an eventful afternoon all around, but I think we should start over. The name Devin is well and good. Let's move past it now. Luka, I see that you have met Svo’k Lynd’s oldest son. This is Adrian Lynd. We have, um, quite a long history together. I met him first sixteen years ago, when he was barely a few months old. I wanted him safe, too… but… it was never simple. Among other things, somehow it always seems to go back to pain or prison cells. It wasn’t your choice any more than it was mine, but I regret... very honestly, Adrian, that I couldn’t give you a better impression of Jedi. If we never personally find our way past that, that is what it is, I suppose. How are you?”
I will not be made useless. I won't be idle with despair. I will gather myself around my faith, for it's Light the Darkness most fears.

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Adrian Lynd
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Re: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Adrian Lynd »

He exhaled in a nearly silent chuckle after she handed him the coffee which he took silently, his hand closed around the mug small scars might have been visible to her along with some dirt under his fingernails. He broke his stare to look down at the coffee, just a touch of cream lightening up the coffee in the smallest way possible. This was of course her subtle and silent insult directed squarely at him, perhaps supposed to be representative of what she hoped was a speck of light in his aura since he had clearly behaved so well with Luka. How little she knew, yet how much she always pretended to know. If he was a younger version of himself perhaps he would go off on her in a tirade of verbal insults about the Jedi being weak and the Sith being better, which of course was true but it was more complex than that and he of course had grown to understand that as he grew up. He was well aware that he had almost been killed by a Jedi not two full days ago and it was not his strength that saved his life, it was his brain and ability to keep a level head in a situation in which he was outmatched from a skill standpoint. Give it another year or less and that wouldn't have been the case, but for now it had been even though he had already been thinking on things he could do better next time. Things that would give him the ability to potentially one day take her on and win. He sipped the coffee tainted by the lightness of the cream and the sweetness of the bark she had added to it.

Adrian was contemplating saying something then Kaytren began one of her trademarked speeches, but what happened next was not something he expected. She had let the cat out of the bag in such a way that nearly shocked him into disbelief, this of course meant he had won, but his eyes shifted to Luka and then back to her in a bit of confusion. Why would she end it this early? It made no sense to him whatsoever. Was it necessary to bring Svo'k into this? What the hell did Luka care about that idiot anyway? Did she thrive on pissing him off? Did it give her some sustenance that kept her going? A half grin tugged on the left side of his cheek and he looked at Luka, never taking his attention fully away from the threat at the opposite end of the couch, but he'd never let that be felt in the room.

"Sorry Luka, you're a good guy, it was nothing personal. If it's any consolation you got closer than most would..."

He looked back at Kaytren, his blue eyes settling on her with a bit of curiosity. His normally dark aura was surprisingly totally neutral in a way that might be shocking to someone who hadn't known him in many years. His aura as a child was always chaotic and some form of darkness mixed together within a storm of anger and hatred, but his aura now was almost pleasant in comparison. His eyes normally red were their natural blue and his facial expression was cold and stoic, but nothing about it indicated anything more than he did not like the person he was looking at. Deep within him he quietly fought the urge to make a biting sarcastic comment.

"I'm fine, Luka made sure of that. He's a good healer, thanks again Luka."

He took the mug in his left hand and let his right hand fall on his right knee and he touched his thumb to his index finger and slowly made tiny circles on the pad of his finger as he studied her, looking for something, he wasn't sure what but he was looking for but he knew it when he'd see it.

"Well Luka is a decent enough ambassador for the Jedi in all honesty. Don't you agree Kaytren?"

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Kaytren Li
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Re: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Kaytren Li »

Kaytren’s firelit brown eyes met Adrian’s blue ones for a moment while his expression shifted from the tug of a half-grin at Luka, to the cooler and more unreadable look that seemed to be the dark-haired teen's chosen demeanor for this situation. She took a calm sip from her mug and watched both young men’s sabaac face reactions to the neatly prepared caf that had nothing at all the matter with it, but that not a single one of them in the room quite cared for; to varying degrees.

It wouldn’t have been authentic of her to interact overly warmly with Adrian—and she’d already decided going through the motions wouldn’t have helped—but Kaytren wasn’t at all cold with the sixteen year old; she was simply present. Whether it was nothing but a petty insult directed at her, or even if Adrian had intended something more concerning by it, she let a small and privately delighted bit of a smile pull on the corner of her mouth when the older teenager snubbed her in favor of redirecting his positive comments and thanks back to the student physician.

“He is, I agree with you entirely on both counts,” She answered with a brief look at Luka and a small dip of her head before she shifted her focus back to Adrian. “He is calm and sincerely disciplined, and I trust his judgement even in circumstances that he finds very different than he hoped for. ”
I will not be made useless. I won't be idle with despair. I will gather myself around my faith, for it's Light the Darkness most fears.

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Adrian Lynd
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Re: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Adrian Lynd »

He watched Luka out of the corner of his eye for a moment waiting for a reaction, but it was clear that the younger of the two was patiently waiting for his turn. He went back to thinking for a brief moment that this entire thing was a setup, Luka had lured him here to be interrogated by Kaytren. If that was the case, he was rather impressed with the young Jedi who may very well have outwitted him. He still wasn't sure though.

His focus turned entirely back to Kaytren whom was agreeing with him for the first time in...he wasn't sure. He had half a mind to look up at the sky and see if there was a giant asteroid heading their way or perhaps there was a black hole that would envelope the entire galaxy because Kaytren and him agreeing on anything pretty much meant the end of days was near. He smirked at her, the lift side of his lip raising slightly as she had sipped her mug so calmly and so peacefully. Why did he find that so infuriating? He didn't quite know that Luka had a lightsaber and he also knew that his own speed was the stuff of legend among Sith. For half a heartbeat he let the thought of grabbing Luka's lightsaber and shoving it into her chest playout in his mind. It wouldn't end well. He may succeed, but he'd never make it out of this place alive either. He took a long sip of the drink and calmed himself as he was running the risk of his hatred seeping into his palpable aura and potentially blinding him. His eyes looked down at the mug and then back to Kaytren.

"Can we just not? It's always back and forth, I say something then you say something back that annoys me and I say something try to annoy you and we just keep going on and on in this stupid circle. Can we just burry the hatchet?"

In your skull.

"Luka invited me here, maybe for this exact reason, kriffed if I know. What I do know is that he has treated me like a friend."

He turned his head to Luka for the first time taking his eyes fully off of Kaytren, he wasn't sure that was a good idea she was dangerous and he knew it. He doubted she would be expecting this level of restraint from him, maybe she would. He didn't know.

"Did I bring a weapon into your hospital? I guess you didn't fully know then, but you do know I entered here totally unarmed which means that I never had one at the hospital either. So it's clear that I'm not here to start things, I followed you here because you asked me to for what sounded like a fun time with someone more or less my own age."

He tapped the fingers of his right hand against his knee. He looked at the two of them for facial reactions. This was out of character for him or at least it didn't follow his path of of behavior from years prior when she last knew him. Maybe he'd trip her up and lull her into a false sense of security, maybe she'd let Luka show him around the temple even more. He didn't even care if she tagged along, his mission was to be disarming at this point, the last thing he needed was the Jedi mad at him when he was in their evil little lair. That was suicide.

"Now I feel like I'm about to be interrogated and for what exactly?"

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Luka Balmore
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Re: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Post by Luka Balmore »

Luka took the coffee from Kaytren, he smiled warmly at her before he looked down at the nearly black liquid and held back a sigh. The things he would do for a mission knew no bounds.

“Just right. Thank you Master!”

He said warmly and contemplated the type of prank he would pull to get her back for this travesty. Glue and glitter mixed together in her lab coat pockets would do the trick. He'd have to wait several months so there was no apparent connection to today's series of events but maybe it would still be funny. Maybe he wouldn't.

He took a sip of the nearly toxic liquid and let it crawl down his throat with a warm expression on his face. He had tried his best to not taste it, but there was no avoiding it, how could anyone enjoy this?

He was about to speak again exclaiming about the delicious nature of the beverage but Kaytren beat him to it and when she spoken Luka’s eyes widened for a moment. He gripped the mug tighter and quickly took another sip forgetting just before the liquid hit his tongue that it wasn’t tea. Dammit Kaytren. He took a breath in through his nose and calmed himself. He looked at Devin…Adrian? How could he have been so blind?! He knew little about Adrian but enough to know that he was a Sith which made him a bit sad now that he had met him. He raised his brow as he noticed the similarities in appearance to Svo’k, but they were physical similarities only, the body language was completely different. He thought back on the day as the other two talked, he watched in fascination in the way Adrian reacted to Kaytren. On one hand he was behaving in a rather civil manner, if he was really a Sith would he be capable of this? He wasn't sure that he wouldn't be, but then again he wasn't sure that he would be either. He didn't feel like an actual Sith, but to be fair Luka hadn't come across too many actual Sith in his life yet.

He stayed perfectly still occasionally sipping the coffee, forgetting how much he utterly despised it for just a moment. It served the purpose of giving him a distraction to hide his confusion. That's when he saw it, the smirk and the raw hatred Adrian had for Kaytren. Who could hate her? Luka knew that Kaytren wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but neither was he and that was totally fine. They weren't Jedi to be liked by everyone, they were Jedi because the galaxy needed them to be Jedi and do the right thing and doing the right thing often earned you many enemies along the way. He gently reached out and tried to probe Adrian's aura but felt nothing of any consequence. He squinted at Adrian and Kaytren for a moment and heard the compliment from....his brother? That felt weird to think about, then Kaytren had acknowledged the compliment and returned it which made Luka smile.

“I…yeah. No problem, I try to do my best...”

He glanced back to Kaytren and then to Adrian. Had he done this on purpose? Had he tricked Luka into inviting him back to the temple for some nefarious purpose? He highly doubted it, it was too clumsy and as Adrian pointed out, he wasn't even armed. He had a thousand questions for Kaytren but now was not the time, they were Jedi and he was a potential Sith. Showing any crack in the united front could be dangerous, whether they were in the safety of their temple or not, but he had lots of questions for Adrian as well. Especially after he seemed to suggest a truce between Kaytren and he which was a bit confusing, he didn't find Kaytren's words particularly hostile either, but then again Luka had no understanding of the relationship the two of them had...or didn't have.

“I knew you were hiding something and your tattoo didn't do much to help your disguise."

He raised an eyebrow at Adrian.

"I suppose you weren't expecting a Jedi to fix your arm either."

He chuckled.

"I knew you weren't armed. The gang story was a nice touch and pretty believable, which was alarming. I brought you back here because you seemed like you needed more help than I alone could give you. I also could see Devin being a friend in you are correct.”

He sipped the vile liquid and gave Adrian his full attention for a moment. He ran his hand through his hair and past his Padawan braid tucking some hair behind his elven ear. He smirked at Adrian with a bit of confidence and maybe just a small touch of feigned arrogance in his smile.

"It's a bit funny though, maybe a more ironic than funny, but now I know something you don't.”

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