Cyrkon Notorious as a hub for pirates and smugglers: anything worth money can be bought or sold in one of the domed cities. The planet's once-habitable atmosphere became toxic and overheated from rampant industrial ventures. For several generations, all inhabitants have lived in the temperature and atmosphere-regulated domes of a few dozen overpopulated and gradually decaying cities.
Nal Hutta A hot sticky planet covered in rainy bogs and swamps. The homeworld of the Hutt species; Nal Hutta is a haven for the criminal elements of the galaxy.
Nar Shadaa The largest moon of Nal Hutta. More commonly known by nicknames like the Smugglers' Moon, Little Coruscant, or Little Slugland, Nar Shaddaa is similar to Coruscant in that its surface is entirely overgrown with layers of city sprawl. Unlike Coruscant—which is usually only rundown and dangerous in its under-levels—Nar Shaddaa is filthy, polluted, and infested with crime everywhere.
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Ylesia Historically used over and over again as a spice-production world under the guise of a 'religious retreat.' The tropical world consists of three small continents on which slaves of the Hutts are chemically bribed, brainwashed, and work in glitterstim production and packing plants scattered over the countryside.
Kamino A stormy aquatic planet in an extragalactic star system that straggled south of the Rishi Maze. Its race of tall, elegant, beings called the Kaminoans keep to themselves and are known for their cloning technology.
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Yanibar Known for its blistering, dry summers and wet, frigid winters. Barely habitable by any human-like species, it was nevertheless colonized by a group of ancient Jedi and their relatives. The colonists who survived formed their own Force tradition, Zeison Sha. Yanibar later became somewhat known to the galaxy as a stopping point for fringe traders, developing a spaceport and a well-populated city that served as a crossroads between the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions.
Csilla A frigid world of striking blue glaciers and snowy wastes. The capital world of the Chiss Ascendancy and the homeworld of the Chiss species. The Chiss are not known for accepting outsiders.
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Exegol A dark desert planet somewhere within the Unknown Regions. According to legend it was once the hidden world of the Sith. It is recorded on almost no charts, but some with Dark whispers in their mind still seem to find their way.
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Ilum A usually uninhabited ice planet that was held sacred by the Jedi for eons, primarily for its Crystal Caverns that lie near the structure of an ancient Jedi outpost. Scattered structures from throughout the galaxy's history are half-covered in the snows. The planet is over 90% ice.
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Nagi The ancestral homeworld of the Nagai. The planet is arid and extremely mountainous, with a thin upper atmosphere that leaves its peaks bathed in solar radiation. The Nagai built most of their civilization in the shadowed valleys of the mountains.